Nutrience SubZero Prairie Red dog food is made in Canada and prepared with fresh, Canadian-sourced beef, pork, bison, wild boar from Alberta and wild-caught fish from the Pacific Coast. Only the highest quality protein from trusted sources are selected for our formulas.
Our high-protein kibble is combined with freeze-dried raw Nutriboost; a minimally-processed, freeze-dried cube of raw beef infused with green lipped mussels to naturally supports joints, pumpkin for gut health, cod liver for it’s richness in omega-3 and Acadian kelp for it’s immunity support.
This food is enriched with prebiotics and probiotics, fostering a healthy gut environment for your dog. This critical support to gut health ensures optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients. The inclusion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids supports skin and coat health. To bolster your dog’s immune system, this formula is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients work in harmony to support immune health, providing an extra layer of defense against common ailments.
Moreover, taurine, a key ingredient in our recipe, plays a crucial role in supporting heart and eye health. This formula is free of wheat, soy, corn, dairy, egg and chicken!
High Protein Kibble: Locally sourced deboned beef, lamb, wild boar, pork, bison, beef liver and pork liver, cod and salmon.
100% real, high quality ingredients: No artificial colours or flavours
Supplemented with taurine: For heart & eye health.
Helps Support Healthy Hips & Joints: Fortified with glucosamine and chondroitin for hip and joint support.
Fortified with vitamins and minerals: To support a healthy immune system.
Fortified with prebiotics, probiotics & omegas: To support gut, skin and coat health.